June 13, 2015

How to Advertise Affiliate Links for Free


How to Advertise Affiliate Links for Free
By eHow Contributor 

It is possible to make money online without going through the hassle of creating and maintaining your own website. You can make money with affiliate marketing and you can advertise links from places like clickbank for free. This can save you time and money. Having a website may or may not be better for your affiliate venture. If done right, you can make money by advertising your affiliate links for free.
  1. The first thing you need to do is decide what types of products you want to offer. A good thing to do to get an idea of what is in demand is to do internet searches for different products you see as affiliate options.
You can also look in the Clickbank marketplace and look at gravity etc. to see what has the most potential to sell.
  1. Once you have a product you want to promote that you think will do well, you need to start setting up your accounts with eHow, Infobarrel, Squidoo, Hubpages, etc. This will allow you to write reviews and sales articles for you to be able to promote your link and make sales.
What makes these websites great is they are free and they do not have traffic limitations. Stay away from free hosting.
  1. Once you have your accounts set up, you need to start writing reviews and sales articles. Once you have some articles and reviews written on these websites, you need to embed your affiliate link from Clickbank into your articles and reviews.
In eHow you put your link in the resources section.
  1. Make sure you write legit and well written articles and reviews. If they are legit you have a better change of getting a conversion.
You can also post your link on sites like Kijiji, which is an online classified ad website. This is easy to do, it may take you a little time to get your ad on all the different cities but it opens up a whole new doorway for you to make sales.
  1. You can also make flyers and post them around your town or city to get people interested. A good thing to do is have a domain name that you redirect to your affiliate link and have the flyer tell people to go to your website then have it redirect when they go to it. That is another way to advertise for free.
  2. I hope this teaches you something that you may have not thought of. These are all ways to get creative and advertise your affiliate link for free without a website. Good luck.

1 comment:

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